Sunday School

Our Sunday School program’s aim is to assist the congregation in carrying out its God-given task to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you (Matthew 28:19-20).”  To that end, we make it our goal to assist parents in their God-given responsibility to train their children in the Lord.  As The Holy Spirit works in the Word held out to children, He will teach them the saving truths of justification – how we are saved and sanctification – how we show our thanks and praise in our everyday lives in light of God’s saving grace.

Family Tools

This year, we are planning on using the new Sunday School Curriculum Corcordia Publishing House.  This enables our school kids to attend Sunday School as well without to much overlap from the christlight materials they utilize within the school. 

A few resources for Teaching and Family are available online. we'll make helpful tools availabel as we become aware of them below.

You are Qualified to Teach
a blog post for parents teaching at home.

Share the promise with your Children
a Bible Study

Family Wellness