Confirmation Essays

Confirmation Essays 2020

During this strange and unpresidented time, a few things have had to change a bit.  One of those items has been Confirmation.   We are thankful for the patience of our confirmands and their families.  Our hope is still to be able to have a service with at least our confirmands and their parents when restrictions ease a bit to 50.  We did dispense with examination for this year.  But before we did, our confirmands had already put in time on their essays.  It would be a shame to let all that work go unheard, so our confirmands have recorded themselves reading those essays for you.  Again, we thank them for their time and effort.
Each reading covers a portion or topic within the catechism.  There are then links in the video discription to some portions of the WELS website or other materials which could assist should you wish to make further study of that particular doctrine.  One could use these essays as a devotional series refreshing some of the basic truths of God's Word each day.

The written essays can be found by clicking the button below. 

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